Pokey Smoke
The flame-elementals of Safira! These bundles of quills are the island tricksters.
Pokey Smokes are the mischievous inhabitants of Safira Island. They are a relatively small species, both shorter and lighter than an aqualox, and are the shortest-lived out of all meteorite species.
Pokey Smokes try to live their lives to the fullest, with as much merriment and humour as possible. Naming structures are often short sounds, a pun, or playful banter. This goofy nature isn't to be mistaken as incompetence, especially should you do anything to jeopardize the safety of a Quiver. You'll find yourself at the mercy of the five Kingpins, thoroughly reconsidering your choices.
Most Pokey Smokes are a part of Otenere, although the attempt to dismiss the border's barrier has enabled a few skillful Pokeys to sneak out into the islands without the blessing of Kingpin Blixtz.
Ready to Create a Pokey Smoke?
View the Creating a Pokey Smoke Guide Here!
Cloak (Required)
A Pokey Smoke's quills are known as their cloak. Quills can be presented in any way, from that of a crested porcupine, to a northern porcupine, or hedgehog. When drawn, a cloak must have at least three triangular- or diamond-shaped strands on each side to be classified as quills.
Ring Tail (Required)
All Pokey Smokes have long, fluffy tails. They can be any length longer than a bobtail and are not required to have ring patterns unless the Pokey's stark is not present anywhere else.
Stark (Required)
Stark are required markings that represent a Pokey Smoke's magic prowess. Stark can be found in one or all of the following locations:
- Tear Streaks / Malar Stripes
- Chest Lines
- Tail Rings